Pray and breathe!

Keeping POSITIVE is my daily goal but sometimes it is hard when there are so many negative things going on around me. How do I stay positive in a world that breeds negativity? Well we will see if I can manage it! It is hard but not impossible. First thing is to make sure I Pray every chance I get and second........breathe!

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About Me

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Just a Hispanic Jersey girl living in the South and trying to stay positive every day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Exercising=Happiness=Positive thinking

I have decided that I need to get up and help myself be more positive by Exercising! I am by no means a regular exerciser but I remember how I used feel when I did. It reminded me of how good I would feel after I worked out. It always put me in the best mood. I was always......HAPPY!! Wow, so why am I not running out to exercise at this second? Well I need to start slowly and work my way up to that level. It will take me a little while to get over the aches and pains of starting to exercise again. So I decided I am going to do what I like for exercise. I LOVE to dance to Latin music so I am starting my rebirth into exercising doing none other than Zumba! I know it isn't the standard exercising routine but each person has to pick what will keep them motivated. So I invite you all to click on some of the Zumba videos below and get a feel for what I am getting myself into! I am honestly looking forward to getting fit, healthy, happy and of course more POSITIVE!

Take a look at this link for an article called "Supercharge Your Life with Exercise"

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How to

So you want to know how to be more positive? It will take practice and dedication but it is well worth it. Hey listen no one is perfect, after all we are only human, we will falter but trying is the first step to a better, less stressed, more positive you!



11 ways to become positive

Here are 11 steps for a more positive you that I read on

1. Think Gratitude=focus on your blessings

2. Choose Happiness=choose to be happy

3. Substitute challenges for problems=focus your attention on positive outcomes

4. View life as a journey=look forward to new and unfamiliar experiences

5. Stop and smell the roses=enjoy the simple things in life

6. Begin your day on a positive note=focus on the things that bring you joy and take that with you throughout the day
7. Be positively aware=actively search for the positive side of things

8. Act out happy=act like a happy, optimistic person

9. Hang out with positive people=be influenced by optimistic people

10. Do a gratitude review nightly=think of ten things you are truly grateful for

11. Minimize exposure to negative influences= stop watching, listening and reading to the news.

Keep this list handy and use it as a guide to get you on the positive track. If you feel your starting to get negative just review the list and get back on the wagon. After a while it will become second nature and you will be the positive, happy person you want to be.

For the full article on "11 Steps to a More Positive You" by Jonathan at Advanced Life Skills, please click on this link

Armed forces

Armed forces
I would like to send positive thoughts, prayers and many thanks to all the men and women in our United States Armed Forces who support and defend our country around the world! A big Thank you to the family members who support our troops! THANK YOU and GOD BLESS AMERICA!