Pray and breathe!

Keeping POSITIVE is my daily goal but sometimes it is hard when there are so many negative things going on around me. How do I stay positive in a world that breeds negativity? Well we will see if I can manage it! It is hard but not impossible. First thing is to make sure I Pray every chance I get and second........breathe!

Positively Grateful If You Become My Follower!

About Me

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Just a Hispanic Jersey girl living in the South and trying to stay positive every day!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Autumn in the Air

It is October first...can't believe summer swimming, sun bathing and sweat stains in shirt armpits time is ended. LOL I know not everyone has armpit sweat stains but down here in the humid south you tend to see that in the summer! The air is cool and crisp and the feeling of autumn is in the air.  I love this time of year!  It means that the Georgia National Fair is coming to town along with the sweet smell of candy apples, funnel cakes and fun!

The fair reminds me of my young, carefree days when all I had to worry about was if I looked cute and my homework was done.  Oh how I miss those days.  Life was so much simpler then. Not like now when you have to worry about bills, the economy, bullying in schools, finding a job in a horrible economy.  I digress, gotta keep it light.  I do get a bit nostalgic during fall.  I guess the coolness in the air and the smells of the season trigger all these things to flash back into my mind.

I guess if something is going to be triggered by your senses it should definitely be something that made you feel good and carefree!  Well I am going to go ahead and go with that flow and relive all those old good feelings by heading to the fair next weekend!  Gonna have me a Gyro and maybe share a funnel cake with the family.  After all instead of focusing on all the negative things going on around us we need to harness the good things and keep them in a pocket of our memories so that we can someday relive it when we need it most and feel good about things.

I have many good and many bad memories of my childhood but I forced myself to let go of the bad and nurture the good.  I remember when I was young my Mom was raising us as a single mom for a while.  We didn't have much money but she always seemed to find creative ways to keep us fed, clothed and happy.  She worked hard to do the best she could to take us places for us to enjoy our childhood.  I really can appreciate what she did for us now as a parent myself.  It is difficult enough as it is to care for our own children with both mother and father let alone with just one parent.  I think my Mom did and excellent job and I appreciate that.

I remember that one year we saw that the fair/carnival was in town and we so wanted to go.  Everyone we knew had gone or were going.  My mom squeezed out what she could from her already squeezed budget and put together a few meager dollars to take us.  Me and my two siblings were so excited! When it came to the day to go we were told by my mom that the money she put aside had been lost.  We were so sad!  She told us that we could still go but could not ride anything or have any treats.  I think we were sad about no rides or treats but excited that we could still be walking around in that atmosphere and take in all the sites and smells for free.

We all made the best of it and I knew it hurt my Mom that she would not be able to give us the extras, but we were fine.  I remember that we wandered over to one of the carnival games with the big spinning wheel and I was eyeing a plastic tea set with little rosebuds on them.  Oh how I could picture in my little mind drinking fake tea out of it with my little pinkie sticking up just like I had seen on TV.  I just stood there dreaming when someone put down a quarter in front of me.  I don't even know if it was my mom or someone else I just stared at it.  I was urged by the Carney game worker to place my bet on a number.  I slowly pushed the quarter on a number and then stared at the tea set hopefully.

The man spun the number wheel and I held my eyes on the wheel.  PLEASE fall on my number!  Oh man it just stopped short of my eyes fell in sadness.  I heard........WE HAVE A WINNER!  Oh great someone else won. Oh well......WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE YOUNG LADY?  I looked up and the man was looking at me!  I look down to where I pushed the quarter and saw the man pushing it to the right number.  I looked right at the tea set and the man was already bringing it to me!  I told him thank you like a million times.  I looked over at my Mom and she looked like she was about to cry.  She thanked the man quietly and nodded her head at him in appreciation.  I looked back, as I walked away with my prize, and waved one more time at the man who had made my year. 

That evening all three siblings played with that tea set.  We were all so excited that we had won.  We played with that tea set for months and never tired of it.  I always remember that tea set and the man who helped me win it.  It was such a kind gesture he gave us. It really touched my heart .  That tea set meant so much to me.

To this day whenever I go to a fair and smell the cotton candy, corn on the cob and other various fair foods I think of that carnival at St. Mary's and think of that carnival man and my tea set and I feel like a kid again.  I love the Autumn and I love the fair.

I hope you all enjoy the Autumn and it helps you to remember good things, happy things and most of all Positive things.

Have a Positively Blessed Day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Blessing of Patience

In two days it will have been three months since I stopped putting myself through hell in a place that didn't deserve my positive energy.  I still miss those individuals who appreciated my odd, quirky ways though.  It is strange even now, after the time that has passed, when I speak about the place I worked at and refer to it in the present tense. It's as if my mind thinks I am still there.  I guess after six years of working somewhere, it will take a little longer than mere months to dismiss it from my immediate thoughts.

These last three months have renewed my positive vibes and sense of quirkiness!  It has been like coming out of a dark cave after a long hibernation and smelling the fresh air and hearing the sounds of nature.  There is a bright light that I have missed for so long surrounding me and I feel re-energized.  It hasn't been all cotton candy and cracker jacks during this time but I have had the time to reflect and recharge.

Through out my time out of work I have re-discovered the simple pleasures I have been setting aside.  I have made so many excuses not to relax and do my hobbies because something came up at work or this important thing has come up that I need to do instead.  I was able to re-connect with my family, my hobbies and me!

The one thing that I encouraged myself with, throughout this time, is to have patience!  It is difficult, believe me I know, to sit and search for a job in site after site and wonder when the day will come that I will get the call for a new job.  It can be disheartening at times but you have to remind yourself to be once again patient. Your time will come. 

Don't be discouraged!  I am not just talking about getting a job, that just happens to be what I am needing at the moment.  You might be searching for your perfect someone, friends, a baby, a pet, a car, a home, inspiration, a dream to come Patient.  It may take a while but in some shape or form it will happen for just might not happen how you picture it happening.

I really do believe that there is a specific plan for each and every one of us.  There is a time, place and way things will happen and we just need to keep ourselves on task until our specific plan comes to pass.  There is a reason for everything that happens to us in our lives.  Yes, I truly feel and believe this.

I mean no, we don't want bad things to happen to us of course.  Without negative things there would not be positive. Without black their would not be white. Without up there is no down. No Ying without Yang.  You get the point!  So acceptance and patience I believe are key to moving on and moving up!

That all said, I did finally get a call for a position!  Now it wasn't exactly what I was thinking but like I said there is a plan out there in the Universe for me and I just need to take it day by day and go with the flow.  It is a true blessing that came when I least expected it!

It is a temp job and that is cool, someday I hope to have a permanent job again but for now I am grateful for what I have and celebrating my re-entry into the workforce.  I know it is more than what many people have in the country at the moment and I truly truly appreciate my blessing.

I will continue to keep positive and pray for those seeking for what will help them be more positive. Tonight I will Pray once again that I will continue to receive the Blessing of Patience and that all of you do to!

Have a Positively Blessed night!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let It Go

The air was cool and crisp as I watched the leaves fall from the neighbors pecan tree and into our pool this morning.  Autumn is finally in the air, which is unusual for Georgia. Normally we are still hold up in our home with the air conditioner full blast. Not today though.  I welcome the brisk air, it helps you to forget how stifling the past heat was.  Isn't it strange how a sound, smell or the site of something brings you instantly back to moments in your life, both good and bad?

Autumn always makes me nostalgic. It makes me think of things long past....the good things....the bad things.  Like the leaves changing up north, going to the fair, growing up, school days, Halloween as a child.  I of course like to remember only the good positive times but with reliving the past come the negative experiences too.

I used to really let the past negatives affect me but as I have gotten older I have learned to use experiences as lessons learned.  That is what I try to do anyway.  It wasn't always that way of course...but you have to start somewhere. 

Not long ago I would react to situations by bringing up the past to remind those who upset me that they had once hurt me the same way before.  I felt, at the time, that I was right to throw this back in their faces. What it really did was keep me from moving forward in my life.  Nothing good ever comes from reliving the past.  It has been a difficult journey for me, one that still continues. Forgiving those who have  trespassed against me has been a chore but I continue to work towards that goal.  Of course I relapse and get so upset  sometimes that I even cry, that is how I react to things that upset me. I usually talk myself through these times and remind myself that it is the past and I need to move forward.  When you let the past get to you that means that your joy is being taken away from you.  Don't ever let anyone or anything take your JOY away!

I feel that anything that seeks to take away your JOY is negative and evil.  This can come in the form of a person, words, emotions, experiences anything animate or inanimate.  Evil and negativity can transform itself into any form.  That is why I make sure to surround myself with only positive, happy, Good vibes, feelings and memories.  You have to let go of those sad, bad, mad, evil memories and things from your life.

If you continue to dwell on the negative, evil things you can't move on and forward.  They will consume you and pull you back and keep you in the negative revolving door.  You will be spinning around in the circle of hate, betrayal and evil.  It will suck the life out of you until you are spent, depressed and despondent. Don't let it!

Take a step back from the evil that keeps you prisoner! Look at it for what it is.  Evil doesn't want you to succeed or be happy. So turn your back on it!  It wants to keep you down in the depths of despair and keep you it's prisoner.  Take your life back! Pray for strength and guidance and you will receive it!  As hard as it is, forgive those who have forsaken and thrown stones at you, for only then will you be able to turn away from the evil and regain happiness and success!

It won't be easy and you will have to constantly remind yourself to be positive, forgive, love and be loved. Embrace the small things in life! You can do it!  You just have to make the commitment that you will turn things around in your life and have a plan to do it.  Start off small and work your way up.

What do I mean by having a plan and starting off small?  To get the ball rolling in changing your life for the positive you may want to  write down the first thing you could do to change things.  One of the changes I made recently is to plan and put together this blog. I had always enjoyed writing and considered doing a blog.  I never thought I could.  It was an unknown for me and it scared me to try. I haven't done all the things I have always wanted to do and I decided I was going to start.  It wasn't easy for me to get out of my comfort zone but in order to change I would have to face my fear.  Without leaving your comfort zone there can't be change.

Still I don't expect this blog to become popular or make a difference to millions.  I just wanted to make a change in my life and try something new and I have.  I have other things on my list now that I want to accomplish.  Some are small and some are very large but they are the goals I have set for myself to get to the positive happy, feelings I am seeking.  I know it is going to be a long road but I am looking forward to accomplishing them.  In accomplishing them I feel I will be able to let go of the things and negative memories that hold me back.

Trying new things is just a beginning for me.  I still have to work out the big things that hold me back. Forgiveness is one of them.  I need to forgive someone and then let Go of the negative memories in order to move on.  This is a hard one for me.  I know I will be able to do it............but it is just a matter of time.  It can't all happen at once, I am realistic of course.  I keep praying and asking for guidance and strength.  I know one day it will happen and then another door of positivity will open up to me.

As I look out my kitchen window the  daylight is gone now and I can't see anything in the pitch black of night except the green glow of my sunpowered night lanterns situated in my prayer garden.  I say a prayer through my window......"Please give me strength, help me to forgive and help me to Let It Go......Amen."

Have a Positively Blessed Night!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Live As Though You Were a Child Again!

This time of year always gets my creative juices flowing.  I LOVE fall because it brings my favorite day to be carefree and act like a child again.  Well really I kind of act goofy every day of the year but on this day I have and Excuse to act silly and childish!  So what is my favorite day in fall?  HALLOWEEN!!!

So why do I like Halloween so much?  Well first let me tell you that I am not a witch, I don't worship the devil, I don't perform seances on Halloween because the spirits are more powerful on that day or whatever evil things people think are done on that day.  I just like it because it reminds me of having fun, enjoying life, good times, friends, candy and being something you wish to be for one day besides just being Me!

Ever since I could remember my mother (love that I am like her. She is funny, creative and wacky)  would ask us every year what we wanted to be on Halloween and she would find a way (since we didn't have much money for things other than necessities) to make the costume or find different pieces to put the costume together.  She would start checking the closet, shopping the second hand shops and looking through the Salvation Army Store to see how she was going to make our costume come to life.

I remember one instance when my sister didn't have a costume to wear.  It was amazing how my Mother would look at an old Grandma Plaid Skirt and Suit Jacket for five dollars and immediately a light bulb would go off in her head for an idea for a costume.   I witnessed this first hand this same year since  my sister had no idea what costume she was going to wear that evening for the local church Halloween Party.  It was only hours away from beginning and here my Mother was grabbing the suit, finding an old straw grandma hat,( it reminding me of the one Aunt Bea wore on the Andy Griffith Show), a granny hand bag with a giant clasp, pointy buckled church lady shoes and a rickety cane. Wow that was all found in less than twenty minutes flat! She definitely had a picture in her mind of the costume!

Upon completion of her twenty minute and under ten dollar shopping spree, my Mother instructed my sister to run and grab one of her taupe stockings out of her dresser drawer and start putting them on.  In the meantime I was to run and grab hair pins, baby powder, pressed face powder, red lipstick and some hard candy.....OKAY then.

As soon as all the components were gathered my Mother went to work on my sister.  She teased my sisters hair and put it in a loose bun on the top of her head, she powdered her face with the white face powder and used brown eye pencil to draw on some wrinkles. On went the bright red lipstick. She squeezed the baby powder on top of my sisters hair and it looked like it was snowing all over our bedroom. Next the straw hat was pinned to her bun. My sister then was then dressed in the granny suit with the shoes and hat. WOW is all I could say when my Mom was through. It was insane that my Mom could make my sister look so old in such a short period of time!

After a few short pointers on walking like an older person and being a sassy granny my sister was given her cane and handbag filled with candy and Tada! Her last minute costume was complete!  I guess I failed to mention that I was another reason for my sisters last minute costume too!  I had monopolized my Moms time with my costume.  She had been making my from scratch without the aid of a pattern and it was not that easy.  I had wanted to be Bat girl with her tight outfit and mask with ears.  Of course I was totally the best Bat Girl ever sincy my Mom had finished my costume that morning.  I was soo happy.

Anyway we all headed over to the Halloween Party and enjoyed the fun times with our friends.  Then it was time for the Costume Contest.  I tell you what, I strutted my Bat Girl stuff when it was my turn but guess who really stole the show?  My Sister that's who!  She was sooooo hilarious when she hobbled out and did a comical old lady interpretation, but she didn't stop there!  She started girating, and laughing and jumping around all exited. She put her hand on her  heart when she felt that she overexcited hereself and then to top it all off she started hitting on one of the young guys that was there!  OMG she had everyone bending over laughing.  She was a hit, a talk of the town! 

During the costume awards I recieved third place for my costume.  Second place went to a set of triplets who were dressed in some cute little baby costumes and the First Place trophy went to.......MY SISTER THE DIRTY OLD LADY!!! YAAAAAAY!!!

That was the best Halloween ever!  My mom was so proud and we were proud too!  She was proud of us, but we were so proud to have such a creative person who loved us and wanted us to enjoy life.  To this day I never forget how my Mom instilled the joy of Halloween, sewing, creativity, fun, frugality, laughter and friendship.  I try to instill that into my own family life with my husband and children.

Even today I hear from some people that say that Halloween is evil and I just tell them that is not what I take from the day.  I just feel that it is the one day a year that brings me back to those days where life was about having innocent and childlike fun.  It was a simpler time with precious moments that should never be forgotten.  This is how I get the joy back for one day a year, I dress up like Frankensteins Bride, Princess Lea, a Flamenco dancer, a Mouseketeer, Octomom or Marie Antoinnette and spend that whole day non-stop living that day as someone else!

So now you see how this time of year makes my thoughts conjure up the most fun costumes I can think of as I run to the fabric store to pick out my costume pattern for this years day fabulous fun and frolick! Now I never reveal what my costume is until everyone sees me on Halloween! So this is to be continued until October 31st when I will post a picture of my costume!!!

Now if living one day as though you were that young child again dreaming of Halloween and acting out your dreams through a costume doesn't make you feel good and Positive.......then I don't know what will!

I wish you a Positively Blessed Day!
Lola as "The Octomom"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Movie or the Book?

Reading a book to me is so relaxing and helps take your mind away to another time where your problems have no business edging its way in.  I have always preferred reading to movies because I think my imagination takes the subject to a far better extreme than any movie could. Besides I don't think any screenwriter could come up with some of the things that go through my head.  Reading as a child helped me to escape the issues of my family life and helped me to deal with stress that I had no control over.

So anyway, I finally finished reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I kept seeing the darn commercials for the movie and it kind of irritated me.  I didn't want to see the commercials because they might give something away that I had not read in the book yet.  I thought the book had some pretty funny parts in it.  I found myself laughing out loud and nodding my head in agreement with some of the characters in the book.  It was thought provoking to me as I thought about how some of the black characters felt during some of the difficult parts in the book.  Difficult to me because I couldn't understand that someone could treat another human being without kindness, courtesy and humanity.

I really enjoyed reading this book.  I was kind of sad when it was over because I wanted to know what happened to certain characters at the end.  The ending wasn't exactly a happy ending but it was realistic.  I hope you consider reading this book.  It is worth it to read what happens in this book based in Mississippi when integration in the South was a hot topic.

So you know if I liked the book I just HAD to see what the movie was all about.  I did enjoy the movie! For being out for two weeks the place was packed. I had to sit in the rows close to the front which is not optimum but tolerable.  Anyway, the movie did alright in capturing the main topics of the book but I felt that it left out several small points that really contributed to my appeal of the book.  The movie is worth seeing for sure but I definitely would not say it is better than the book!

If you have the time and enjoy reading I recommend the book but if not I say go for the movie!  After all movies  help you to get away from the trouble of everyday life and relieve some stress too.  Remember relieving some stress helps you to feel better.  Feeling better gives you a positive outlook, which gets you thinking Positive! Have a Positively Blessed Day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Exercising=Happiness=Positive thinking

I have decided that I need to get up and help myself be more positive by Exercising! I am by no means a regular exerciser but I remember how I used feel when I did. It reminded me of how good I would feel after I worked out. It always put me in the best mood. I was always......HAPPY!! Wow, so why am I not running out to exercise at this second? Well I need to start slowly and work my way up to that level. It will take me a little while to get over the aches and pains of starting to exercise again. So I decided I am going to do what I like for exercise. I LOVE to dance to Latin music so I am starting my rebirth into exercising doing none other than Zumba! I know it isn't the standard exercising routine but each person has to pick what will keep them motivated. So I invite you all to click on some of the Zumba videos below and get a feel for what I am getting myself into! I am honestly looking forward to getting fit, healthy, happy and of course more POSITIVE!

Take a look at this link for an article called "Supercharge Your Life with Exercise"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Is laughter the best medicine?

Remember that old saying "laughter is the best medicine"? Turns out it is true! Laughter strengthens the immune system, boosts your energy, helps with pain and stress. Laughter is like a therapy. It helps you forget your troubles, fears and helps you go out of your current situation so you can let your hair down for a little while. The best thing of all is that laughter is FREE!! So let's see how are we going to get ourselves laughing?

If you are like me it does not take much! I tend to be silly, wacky, fun loving, and usually try to be carefree. What I do to laugh is think of funny things that have happened to me, watch funny movies, hang out with funny people, play with my funny dogs and joke around with my family and friends. Generally I try to seek out funny environments and situations. I try to avoid negative things at all cost. Laughing makes me feel good and I crave that when things seem not so great.

The next time you need a little pick me up try laughing by yourself or with the one you love. It will lighten your worries, enhance relationships and make you physically and emotionally healthier! What happens when your healthy and happy? You have a more POSITIVE outlook on things. So hey go on now and's contagious!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Teaching Teens By Doing Yourself

A few weeks ago my teenager Sabu came home and told me that one of her "besties" was moving across the country.  I could tell by just looking at her she was very sad and teary eyed and distressed that she would never see her "bestie" again.  I was thinking to myself.....what the heck is a bestie? Then I thought.....what can I tell her to make her feel a little better?  When it comes to teens you just never know what is going to send them off to their room slamming the door so, I thought very carefully before I spoke. 

Lulu: Where is she moving to?
 Sabu replies with great distress:UTAH!
Lulu: When is she moving?
Lulu: Why is she moving?
Sabu: Her DAD got a JOB OFFER!
Lulu: Are you and her other friends going to throw her a party?
Sabu: Yeah and we are going to have a pool party here at our house. Okay?
Lulu: Oh okay sure just let us know when you want to do it.
Sabu: OK thanks Mom.

Phew made it through that!! So I tried to calm her down by trying to help her communicate what the details were of her "bestie" moving.  She slowly calmed down as I reminded her of a few things. 

1.  That it was a positive thing for her father to get a good job to support the family in this economy where so many people are jobless.  (Including me!)
2.  Families have to stick together and do what is best for the "whole" family.
3.  Her bestie has family already living in Utah so it is good to have the support of other family members when you move somewhere new.
4.  Utah has great skiing and you have always wanted to learn to ski so why wouldn't we able to sometime take a plane ride to Utah and go skiing?  Besides I lived there for five years and know it like the back of my hand!
5.  You can always keep in touch by celly, text, IM, FB and Skype! Or you can go the slow snail route, that is still an option.

So instead of focusing on the negative aspect of  her leaving, why not think of positive things that are coming out of it?

Well I couldn't expect to keep her attention for too long!  She agreed with me on the points but then said, "Gees why do you ALWAYS have to bring up the positive side of things?  Why can't you just let me be sad once in a while!"

Okay then.  Cut to a few days later.  We are having the Pool (not a party because it is sad that they won't be together for much longer because she has to go to darn Utah!) Get Together  for her "bestie".  I am of course in attendance because after all I am the life guard and must be present.  All are enjoying the swimming, the virgin pina coladas I prepared and the snacks.  No one is talking about the move, just enjoying the warmth of the sun and friends.  XKEA6XX2S2HR

 Then I decide to get in the pool and float on my Sponge Bob float.  Of course I can't just float I have to TALK!   I go over to where the girls are all congregated and ask the "moving bestie" where in Utah she was moving to.  Sabu flashes a quick cat eye look over to me say, "STOP IT, NO MOVING QUESTIONS! Yikes, I felt all those daggers hit me in the mouth, lol.  I didn't let it stop me.  I told the young lady that it was a really nice area she was moving to and that there were so many things she would be able to enjoy in her new home.  The other girls were not appreciating me at that moment! I continued on to tell her friend that she needed to really think about the positive things associated with the move because there were so many.  She kept listening to the list of possibilities I had to offer nodding and smiling throughout. 

After my little speech to the "moving bestie" I focused on the ones being left behind.  "You all should be happy that she will have things to look forward to, after all she is the one having to start all over and you all will still have each other for support.  Besides like I told Sabu, who says we all can't go to Utah and visit and go skiing?"  They all smiled and agreed and we continued on with the fun in the sun.

Another week passed and I heard from Sabu that her bestie had moved and could she please use my web cam to keep in touch with her Utah Bestie? "Of course, with supervision", I say and Sabu nods gratefully.  I was happy to see her feeling better about her friends move. 

I always try to talk to my kids about being more positive but I think it is more effective when they actually see you be more positive.  That is why I decided to start writing this blog about a week ago.  My kids are now seeing me be more positive, productive and proactive through my blog. 

A week ago-I was picking up my teens and one Sabu's friends from school and I overhear them talking and laughing. Sabu's bestie had tripped in PE class while they were all running together.  Sabu says to her:

Sabu: "Well the POSITIVE thing from the fall is that no one else saw you!
Bestie:"Well the other POSITIVE thing is that I didn't get hurt.
Sabu: "Another POSITIVE thing is that you fell pretty!"
Bestie: "Well I am POSITIVE that I don't trip as much as you do!

It continued that way back and forth for the rest of the drive home.  Oh boy, well at least they are talking about being positive....that is a good start!

Remember the best way to teach your Teens to be more Positive is to Do it Yourself!
Have a Positively Blessed Day! :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earth Quakes, Nerves Shake

Sometime after 2 pm eastern time this afternoon I was taking a minute to surf the cable channels on the TV and I  happened upon the unfolding stories of the Virginia Earthquake.   I was taken aback, as most people probably were, to hear this happened  in Virginia.  After my initial shock my thoughts immediately leaped to my family and friends in Virginia,North Carolina,D.C., New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York .  After saying a prayer that everyone was OK,  I attempted to call my relatives in Virginia........"sorry all lines are busy, please try your call again later"....OMG WHAT!!!??   I am sure this happened to everyone who has anyone they care about in the vicinity of the earthquake. It is only human  to react this way.   I tried to keep telling myself "stay positive and have faith that the Lord will watch over all our loved ones. I kept calling as I received messages from other family members asking if I heard there was an earthquake.  Finally after two hours I got through to a nephew.  It was a relief to hear everyone was safe.  I am sure this played over and over in every state by many families today.  Hopefully everyone who made the calls got quick answers to their calls and all loved ones were safe and sound.  It was a blessing that no one lost their lives in the earthquake, as far as we know.  When things like this happen it always makes you think about all the blessings in your life and that we should truly be grateful for all we have.  As the days progress and the whole story of how the earthquake affected all I pray that everyone will keep themselves as positive as possible.  We can't let loss of property and possessions keep us from looking forward, building anew and smiling at one another.  Let us be hopeful,  have faith and be inspired to help one another through this time! Have a positively blessed day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happiness From My Hobitives

WTH is "Hobitives"?  Okay so it isn't a word from the dictionary but it is a merging of two words that make me feel good. That is because it is derived from Hobbies and Positive. Yeah dats right I said it Hobby+Positive=Hobitive=My hobbies make me feel positively HAPPY!!! 

Hobbies are good for the mind, body and soul.  Participating in hobbies helps you to reduce stress, get fit, help the world around you, helps you reach goals.
There are so many hobbies out there to choose from that don't cost a penny, on the other hand there are those that cost way more than a penny.  Whichever it might be a hobby is just waiting out there for you to explore and help you detach from the every day dulldrums....yikes did i say dulldrums? You know what I mean.  Something that will help you relax and feel good about yourself.

I have several hobbies because well when it comes to keeping my attention I am HIGH MAINTENANCE!  I enjoy doing many things i.e. Shopping (can't do that without money so that is on hold for a while), quilting(I use old pairs of jeans and the flat sheets I never use from sheet sets so it doesn't cost much) , reading, crafts(I really like to recycle things and make new things out of them like I make Christmas Ornaments out of old burnt out light bulbs), sewing(LOVE to make Halloween Costumes!!), dancing(not professionally, just dancing around my house in my booty shorts gyrating to different types of music), gardening (only in the spring when it isn't a million degrees out), writing, collecting old cameras, collecting bells (I had to stop because I had no where to put anymore), I collect Santas(the dolls.  I have a sitting room I call the "Santa" room during Christmas that is nothing but Santa Claus dolls and Santa decor. I get all my stuff from yard sales so not much spent on that hobby), Yard Sales(LOVE THEM! If your hobby is collecting things then yard sales are for you!) and I know there are more but can't think of them right now. 

I guess I tend to have different hobbies for different times of the year.  I think this is to keep my interest in the hobby from wilting away, like I said I am attention deficient and things have to really interest me to keep me happy.  I guess that is really what hobbies need to do for each person- keep them interested and happy.

Before choosing a hobby you need to think of what you want to get out of that hobby.  Do you want to get in shape, do something in a group to benefit others, be creative, work with charities, build model airplanes?  You also need to consider how much, if any, you want to spend on the hobby.  So whether you choose a hobby that is active, creative, or that gives you a sense of accomplishment in helping others, doing the hobby will give you many benefits in your life.

Hobbies are good for your mind, body and soul.  Mind-Takes you away from your worries and problems and relieves stress. Body-Active hobbies keep you in shape. Even hobbies that aren't as physical as rock climbing can still have positive impact on your health. Such as helping flexibility, dexterity and cardiovascular health. Soul-Having a hobby helps you feel good about yourself completing goals and gives you a sense of worth and accomplishment.

Whatever hobby you decide to start remember that it should be something that you enjoy and helps you to feel good about yourself.  It should not be something that you feel will be a burden to you but makes you smile and feel positive about yourself.

So this is the first word going into the Positive Lulu dictionary:

Hobitive or Hobitivity:Definition- A Hobby/ies or activity that brings you a positive feeling or a sense of Positivity!

So I am considering a few more Hobitivities for myself.  I am thinking of volunteering at a shelter(love animals so this will be so POSITIVE), joining a theater group(yikes this would be way out of my comfort zone but then again so was blogging and now I am doing it. I have been told I am quite a character so still pondering this one, karaoke singer (NOT).  If anyone has any suggestions....would Love to hear from you!

So what do you think? Is having a Hobitivity something that interests you? Give it a try you have nothing but Positive things to gain!

Have a Positively Blessed day!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Positive Gratitiude

The number one step to being a more positive you is Think Gratitude.  I wanted to end my day by posting the things that I am grateful for today.  In the future I will be starting my day by doing this in order to follow the steps correctly. For today here we go.
I am Grateful to God for:
1. My Family
2. My Health
3. A husband who puts up with me
4.Being able to have time with my kids
5. Friends who support me
6. A home
7. A good car to drive
8. The opportunity to try new things
9. To be an American
10. Good air conditioner

It isn't what you are grateful for that matters.  What matters is that you THINK about the blessings you do have. Picture those blessings in your mind, verbalize them, embrace them!  There are so many blessings in your life so why not make it the best life possible?  Enjoy your life as it was intended and focus on being Positively HAPPY!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

When it rains it pours..........or is it just free water for my gardens?

Just when you think you got a handle on a situation something else goes wrong.  I have been jobless for a couple of months and I think I am handling myself very well for not having a job or money. I am doing my best to stay true to my "Stay Positive" attitude.   I have been keeping busy by cleaning house, tending to the pets, driving kids to and from school, running errands for my husband but I am getting kind of restless to get out of the house and get a job in the outside world already.

Yesterday I went to an interview with a recruiter.  It went well I think....always positive.  Right after I left the interview....POW...I back into a pillar of the parking garage!  Yep didn't feel too positive at that moment.  Needless to say that my car got a major dent in the rear, not to mention a broken taillight cover, hole in the bumper and quite a few scuffs.

So what did I do, got the heck out of dodge that's what I did!  I was so embarrassed that I did that to my own car.  As I headed home I just wanted to cry. I went through all the negative things that were going on.  I had to tell my husband that I messed up. Who knows how much this would cost.  My car looked terrible.  I can't get a job.  I have dog hair all over my interview clothes.  I forgot to change the clothes out of the washer and into the dryer. I forgot to buy milk,  etc, etc. 

All my worries and emotions ran into my head and I started to think all negative. I had to shake my head and say "Yo get a grip"!  I decided to kick it into the positive gear and get my mind working on how to remedy the problem.

When I got home I put on my work clothes and grabbed my tool box.  After all my father had been a mechanic and I got the mechanic gene in me.  I took out my magic sponge and got to work on the paint and scuff marks.  Then I got down and dirty and grabbed the mallet and popped the dents right out.  Once I finished that it didn't look bad at all. Just a couple of scratches and a broken taillight cover.

I checked online on how to touch up car paint and replace a taillight cover.   It is as easy as visiting the auto store and getting some touch up paint and replacement taillight cover.  Within a few days I will have my supplies to fix the rest of the car then is good as new!

It would have been easy for me to just lay down in defeat but for positive thinking sake I needed to repair the car myself and be proactive.  For me being proactive is necessary to keep myself from falling into the pit of despair and negativity.

Even though I felt like all my problems were pouring down on me like torrential rains, I just needed to remember that the rain is sometimes necessary to help you in other ways.  Maybe to water the garden, remind you that you are only human and in my case I needed to be reminded that I am truly blessed with what I do have and not to sweat it.

So I think I stayed true to my motto yesterday of "Positive Thinking Brings Positive Results"! I think it really does work!

Have a positively Blessed day!

How to

So you want to know how to be more positive? It will take practice and dedication but it is well worth it. Hey listen no one is perfect, after all we are only human, we will falter but trying is the first step to a better, less stressed, more positive you!



11 ways to become positive

Here are 11 steps for a more positive you that I read on

1. Think Gratitude=focus on your blessings

2. Choose Happiness=choose to be happy

3. Substitute challenges for problems=focus your attention on positive outcomes

4. View life as a journey=look forward to new and unfamiliar experiences

5. Stop and smell the roses=enjoy the simple things in life

6. Begin your day on a positive note=focus on the things that bring you joy and take that with you throughout the day
7. Be positively aware=actively search for the positive side of things

8. Act out happy=act like a happy, optimistic person

9. Hang out with positive people=be influenced by optimistic people

10. Do a gratitude review nightly=think of ten things you are truly grateful for

11. Minimize exposure to negative influences= stop watching, listening and reading to the news.

Keep this list handy and use it as a guide to get you on the positive track. If you feel your starting to get negative just review the list and get back on the wagon. After a while it will become second nature and you will be the positive, happy person you want to be.

For the full article on "11 Steps to a More Positive You" by Jonathan at Advanced Life Skills, please click on this link

Armed forces

Armed forces
I would like to send positive thoughts, prayers and many thanks to all the men and women in our United States Armed Forces who support and defend our country around the world! A big Thank you to the family members who support our troops! THANK YOU and GOD BLESS AMERICA!